In the Beginning...

In the Beginning...

Welcome to the lands of Jaqor, a place of politics, mysteries, and intrigue…

Hello and well met my friends! I am so happy to have you here and to share the stories of the people of Jaqor with you. So let me tell you a bit about what you’re getting into.

First, a bit about how we got here…

One day during a very snowy winter in Chiloquin, OR, a father was tired of listening to a bunch of cranky tweens/teens complain that they were bored - the Atari with only one game had lost its luster…they were between after school clubs…and the winter play had just wrapped up. In an attempt to save his sanity, the father grabbed a red box from the shelf, told them all to sit down, and proceeded to explain the mechanics of the game known as D&D.

That was nearly 40 years ago. I was one of those cranky teens. And I’ve been playing on and off ever since that fateful day.

The world of Jaqor is a 30+ year labor of love that started as a homebrew D&D setting. While it owes its initial inception to D&D, it is a work entirely my own that pulls inspiration from high fantasy, folklore, history, and so much more.

About your storyteller...

I am an unabashed geek, gamer, and all around nerd. I love fantasy, scifi, and role playing. (Before you ask, yes - I was a theater geek…Star Trek over Star Wars…all the Doctors but I do have a soft spot for Tennant…and I did my fair share of LARPing back in the day.) I am also a mom to two equally geeky human beings, a breast cancer thriver, and a poorly reformed workaholic.

When I’m not indulging in my love for all things nerdy or hanging out with the kiddos, you’ll find me at my day job doing community outreach  and programming for the local historical museum. I’ve worked in the nonprofit/public realm most of my adult life as an educator, advocate, and/or policy maker trying to make this world a little less unkind. You will find that my work in that sphere has heavily influenced my stories, and vice versa.

I play D&D because I love the cooperative storytelling focus of the game. As the DM, I feel my job is to bring an entertaining and challenging story to the table. As an author, I try to bring that same element into the stories I write.

And so grab a cozy drink, curl up in a comfy spot, and join me in this adventure as we explore the times and lives of the people of Jaqor...